Hi! I'm Alice Sitar.
Customer Experience | Health-tech | Wellness & Fitness | Communities | Future of work | Psychedelics | Tiny homes
Hi! I'm Alice Sitar.
I offer a journey of feelings, sensations, and love. A sacred space for men, women, and couples to connect to their body, mind, and spirit.
After finishing ISTA Practitioner course and 4 more of their courses (next one on my schedule already) – I’ve started offering healing services. I was surprised to learn how many people live their lives, for years, carrying different issues around their sexuality – and how simple daily practice and a different pair of glasses can solve it.
A graduate of ISTA level 1,2 and the ISTA practitioner’s course. Yoga and movement teacher and workshop facilitator. Shaman and Fire Keeper. Manifestor of love temples, sacred spaces, and harmony.