Hi! I'm Alice Sitar.

Customer Experience | Health-tech | Wellness & Fitness | Communities | Future of work | Psychedelics | Tiny homes

This is what I do

Hi! I'm Alice Sitar.

I offer a journey of feelings, sensations, and love. A sacred space for men, women, and couples to connect to their body, mind, and spirit.

After finishing ISTA Practitioner course and 4 more of their courses (next one on my schedule already) – I’ve started offering healing services. I was surprised to learn how many people live their lives, for years, carrying different issues around their sexuality – and how simple daily practice and a different pair of glasses can solve it.

A graduate of ISTA level 1,2 and the ISTA practitioner’s course. Yoga and movement teacher and workshop facilitator. Shaman and Fire Keeper. Manifestor of love temples, sacred spaces, and harmony.

Contact Me

Let's Talk About It

+972 54 5882875

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